Commission Reflections
We are not there yet! No we are not there but the sense of the adventure began last Sunday when we were commissioned by our Bishop Herman R. Yoos III at a wonderful service last Sunday afternoon. Rev. Jerry Livingston, missionary to the Japan Evangelical Lutheran Church for forty years preached and Chris and I heard clearly the reality of both the opportunity and the expectation that awaits us in Japan. Then when Bishop Yoos asked the questions of commissioning we answered, “Yes with the help of God”. Each time both the affirmation and reality of our utter dependence became more real to us. We will surely venture to Japan in faith, supported by prayer and sensing in a new way our utter dependence on God. We go to Japan thankful for the Rev. Mark Cerniglia who was commissioned to be our interim at St. Paul, Aiken at the same service. With partners who will direct and support our work in the JELC and with partners who support us at St. Paul, Aiken and in the South Carolina Synod, together we go forth to do whatever God calls us so that the Good News of Jesus Christ may be shared by loving and serving all. The more you think about it; or pray about it the clearer it becomes. The ministry that Bob and Chris will be doing for six months or the ministry each of us does in daily response to God’s Grace is only possible
“with the help of God”.
i just got on the Blog today, Am so happy to have seen the pictures Am so happy wow Love Mom
We are very excited to vicariously travel with you on your journey with God! Our prayers are with you both!
Konichiwa! Love, The Pattersons from Lex.
We have a wonderful adventure ahead of you but do not forget to have fun too. Sayonara
Paul & Gloria
I think I will use this commissioning article for the newsletter and will also put in the one about the naming of the monk, if I have room.
Talk to you later. Ginger
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