On Sunday they were in worship at Den-en-chofu Lutheran Church. This church ha

s a number of Sunday services. They begin with a children's worship at 9:00 AM. This service was led by a seminary student: Okamura san. Bob and Chris were in attendance. Okamura san asked Bob to say some greetings to the children. Bob's greetings included candy and a lesson about the sweetness of candy and the sweetness of God's love. Thanks to Okamura san's translation the smiles of the children indicated they received both the message and the candy. Two services took place at 9:30 AM simultaneously; one for the parents and one for the children who attend the school that is part of the minstry of Den-en-chofu. Bob was blessed to speak to parents. He spoke in a worship setting on the subject of parenting. The pastor of Den-en-chofu, Sugimoto Sensei asked Bob to prepare on talk on parenting. Though that subject is addressed indirec

tly in some sermon texts this was the first time he had ever been asked to speak on the topic directly. He had been asked to prepare his talk for parents who were not Christians. He shared the approach of parenting that Chris and he used to raise their two sons Michael and Steven. Their parenting and Bob's talk come from the context of Christian Stewardship. The 10:30 am Sunday worship service followed this meeting. Bob was honored to preach on the texts for the 1st Sunday in Advent. After worship a fellowship lunch of wonderful curry rice finished a visit and multiple experiences of serving this beautiful church.
Keep praying,

Zen Ben
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