Bob and Chris were in Fukuroi on February 17 where they relearned an old and hard lesson for all of us. They learned that sometimes God has a better idea. In God’s time God’s idea is what may bear fruit in ministry even when in our fallen nature we think we have the best ideas. What am I talking about? I am talking about the visit of Bob & Chris with Akehi sensei to the Diakonia Institute in Fukuroi, Japan. The Diakonia Institute at Fukuroi, Japan was begun as a project or mission of the Southeast Scandinavian Missionary Society in 1964. This group came to the area and bought a large tract of land; a beautiful valley area between two ridges in the mountains. They did not start a church. They had an interesting idea. They tried to begin by starting a dairy farm; a way of living familiar in Scandinavia. The idea was to introduce this way of living and nutrition and the faith that they have at the same time.

So the idea was through living out the life style they would convey the faith. After a few years they then built a church. Interestingly it was the first Lutheran church Bob and Chris have seen built in Japanese style architecture; looking not very different from a small temple. The concept of course is to be inviting by sharing the Gospel in the context of the people to whom it is shared. Though it all sounds like a good idea by the 1980’s the experiment in mission was failing such that the group turned it all over to an inter religious group called Dokai in 1983. The Scandinavian Missionaries left. Apparently and now in retrospect God had a better idea. It has come to bear fruit in God’s time. The land was given to the Dokai; headed up by but not limited to Christians. On this basis the project became a social ministry project. It’s focus was to meet the needs of people in the area. Sometime later the project which had been restarted by helping and having a working farm for children became part of the Japan Evangelical Lutheran Church. The JELC provides leadership and pastors. It has again taken on a Christian dominance; but the title to the property etc is not with JELC. It remains legally separate. It sounds something like the Lutheran Homes of South Carolina with which Bob is familiar; but not quite. There is more

to God’s better idea. In 2003 a new Senior Citizens Center was built. It provides services at all care levels for 80 residents. The project was funded 50 % from direct Government grants, 30 % Government loans and 20% from JELC fundraising. The residents monthly expenses are supported by government funding. They are routinely evaluated by a government official who gives a standard test to determine the level of care required. This test also determines the level of government funding for each resident. The Senior Citizens center is open to all regardless of religion. God has a better idea. God’s love ex

tends to all God’s children. Today the Japan Evangelical Lutheran Church provides the chaplain who is also the pastor for the Shinraizon Lutheran Church on the grounds. In addition to the Senior Citizen Center the pastor provides chaplain support for the Children’s home; an orphanage for babies through age 18. The home may house a total of 30 at capacity. There is also a home for youth and adults with psychological problems that may have up to about 12. Finally a prominent psychiatrist in the area has established a clinic in on the grounds. The clinic is open to the public and supports the needs of the other parts of the Diakonia Institute. What began as ministry through a dairy farm that failed in the 60’s is flourishing as the Diakonia Institute of today. This ministry has changed a great deal according to God’s idea. And in God’s time fruit has been and will continue to be born. Those in need from infancy to senior citizens today receive the living Gospel in Social Ministry. God had a better idea!
1 comment:
Isn't God amazing! WOW!
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