Monday, June 30, 2008


From September 1st 2008 to April 1, 2009 there is a great opportunity for you, ordained person who is capable of taking on a temporary role as Senior Pastor in a multiple staff situation, to serve Jesus Christ by serving St. Paul Lutheran Church, Aiken South Carolina. While I am serving the JELC you may be in Aiken where the surroundings are wonderful, the weather is better and the people of St. Paul are the best; motivated and active Christians because of the Grace of God in Jesus Christ. For this Exchange Pastor to serve in Japan we need you to step up and serve in Aiken. If you are reading this post and want to know more; maybe want to serve?; Call the Bishop of South Carolina at 803.765.0590 or call St. Paul at 803.649.4021.


Pastor Bob Byrne
St. Paul, Aiken, SC

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Comissioning For Service

On September 7 at 4:30 PM the Bishop of South Carolina, Rev. Herman Yoss will preside and retired ELCA Missionary to the JELC, Rev. Jerry Livingston, will preach at a service of commissioning for Rev. Robert T. Byrne, South Carolina Exchange Pastor to the Japanese Evangelical Lutheran Church, and for an Interim Pastor (yet to be named) for St. Paul Lutheran Church during Pastor Byrnes time of ministry in Japan. The service will be held at St. Paul Lutheran Church, 961 Trail Ridge Rd., Aiken South Carolina. Directions to the church may be obtained by calling the church office at 803.649.4021. A festive meal of celebration will follow in the church fellowship center. All those with a heart for taking the Gospel to the world are invited to this special event.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


On October 1st of 2008 this pastor will be the 1st "exchange pastor" from the South Carolina Synod of the ELCA to be sent for six months to serve the JELC or Japanese Evangelical Lutheran Church in Japan. I will serve throughout the country of Japan at the direction of the JELC in both churches and social institutions. I will serve on the streets working with the abused, the disadvantaged, and the outcasts as well as in the member churches and related institutions. Each time I am able you will see a post about the people, the experience and the feelings that come to mind as I serve along with my spouse under the direction of the JELC on this first of a kind exchange for the South Carolina Synod of the ELCA and the JELC. This blog is your invitation to experience the exchange as well. In words and pictures posted that you respond to or enter into you are invited to become part of the adventure. How do you share the Good News of Jesus Christ in word and deed in a country that is 99% non Christian after 400 plus years of Christian missionary work? Where is God in this country and in the work of Christians? Our God is at work and well in Japan. Jesus Christ is present in the lives of people; all people through the Holy Spirit? Our challenge is to learn how this is lived out in a culture whose very mode of experiencing the world is beyond our own daily mode of experience. Our adventure is to continue the work of sharing and serving and in it experience the Truth in a context completely outside anything most of us have ever tried to understand. Sound like fun? You may come along anytime you wish; just check into the blog. For the next few months I will share the beginning; getting ready to go to Japan; then the adventure begins. While I am preparing perhaps you would like to do some preparation. May I suggest reading Zen and Japanese Culture by Daisetz T. Suzuki and The Samurai by Shusaku Endo as a great way to start. ENJOY
