On Friday October 31, 2008 the Japan Evangelical Lutheran Church and the Japan Lutheran Church Missouri Synod held a joint Reformation Service at Ichigaya Church. The service celebrated the work of the Holy Spirit through Martin Luther, a German Augustinian monk that began the Reformation. The service was attended by members of both churches as well as new and veteran missionary workers from Lutheran Churches throughout the world. The service was the occasion to install in the JELC the 1st “Exchange Pastor” from the South Carolina Synod of the ELCA.
Our God is an awesome God!
I was honored when asked to preach on the Reformation texts at this service. The installation rite that followed was a humbling experience. I responded to the installation questions directed by to me by Rev. Sumiuki Watanabe, President of the JELC. My response was a solemn promise to God and the JELC given in Japanese even though I do not speak the language. Most of those in the congregation understood my promise. God understood my promise.
Our God is an awesome God!
Rev. Naoki Asano , Rev. George Oshiba and Rev. Sumiuki Wantanabe laid hands upon my head and prayed during the installation rite. I sensed the presence of our God in a way I have not since my Ordination in 1995. The God who establishes this and all ministries is God of all people. When I ponder the next five months of service in the Japan Evangelical Lutheran Church I pray for my abilities to be sufficient. By faith I know whatever talents and abilities God has given me will be sufficient; because they are given by the same God who calls. By faith I know this because God has blessed me to be working with ordained brothers and sisters in the Japan Evangelical Lutheran Church. By faith we know this because so many people in the United States and in Japan are in prayer for the ministry of our two churches. By faith we know this because;
Our God is an awesome God!
Pastor Bob Byrne
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