Something old and something new,

something familiar but not quite the same, Bible study and English classes or English classes that include Bible study, you may say it any number of ways and this is what occupied much of the week for Bob and Chris. They participated or led studies atHongo Student Center, Tokyo Lutheran Church, Tsudanuma Lutheran Church and Musashino Lutheran church during the week of November 9th. Bible study is something old or familiar to Bob and Chris. Bible study in Japan was in many ways something new for them at the very same time. The old or familiar part was a group of people getting together to read and study God's word in order to increase the understanding of

meaning in the text and

meaning for their lives. The new was finding meaning by working with a text in English to be translated to Japanese or in Japanese to be translated to English. Either way the process for those who participated and for those who led brought mutual insights and deeper meaning. Students worked word by word and illustration by illustration to understand just what was being said, implied, described or reported in the text. God's Word spoke at a new level to all the participants. The other part that was new for Bob & Chris was the variety of people in the studies. Bible study they were familiar with was a group within a single church or a community study that included Christians from various churches. The Bible studies they experienced this week had participants from a third category. These were people who are not Christians. Christians and non Christians in Japan gather to study and learn English and use the Bible as the story that helps them with language. Christians and non Christians in Japan also gather to study and learn the Bible and use English as the media that helps them with the story. Either approach provides a similar result. The story of Jesus the Christ and the meaning of his story for the lives of those who study it becomes clearer than before. For Christians a means is provided to deepen their walk of faith. For non Christians a means is provided where they may begin a walk of faith. For both the one active within the means is the Holy Spirit. The expectation of leaders for participants is simply preparation and participation. The result for both leaders and participants including Bob and Chris this past week was God's gift of a living word understood in deeper and richer ways than before.
Keep praying,

Zen Ben
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