This Sunday finds Bob & Chris in the beautiful port city of Fukuoka, Japan. This is the largest
city of Kyushu, the island where they have been for the past month in the city of Kumamoto. Today Bob preached and they worshipped at Hakata Church. Bob was especially happy today to have Rev. Andy Ellis help him preach by being the interpreter for the sermon. Andy has served as a missionary in Japan since 1952. Though he is officially retired he still serves in various ways gifting his time and talents in retirement. At one time the cities of Fukuoka and Hakata were separate. Today they have been consolidated as one city, Fukuoka. The church is one of the largest that Bob and Chris have been in during the ministry i
n Japan. It is over 100 years old. Currently the pastor of this church Nagaoka Sensei is also the President of the Kyushu District of the Japan Evangelical Lutheran Churc
h. He like the four other District Presidents serves a parish in addition to performing the duties required of his office. Worship was followed by a time of fellowship and sharing at a luncheon for Pastor Bob & Chris and congregational leaders. It was prepared by the ladies of Hakata Church. After worship and fellowship at Hakata Church a special treat was added when a church member, Matukuma San invited Bob & Chris to join him and his wife for a tour of the cit
y. This would be their only chance to see some of Fukuoka during their brief visit. They gladly accepted this gracious offer. The tour took them to the Fukuoka Tower where they had a wonderful panoramic view of the city. On Monday Bob & Chris will board the Shinkansen or Bullet train for a one day stay in Hiroshima and a visit to the peace park before arriving in Osaka, Japan on Tuesday. This will be the location of a one month ministry in the West District of the Japan Evangelical Lutheran Church.

Keep praying,
Zen Ben
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