Bob & Chris were in Kyoto on Sunday January 25th

where Bob was invited to preach at Kamagawa Lutheran Church in northwest Kyoto. Kamagawa is one of three JELC churches in Kyoto. Bob & Chris will return to Kyoto on February 8 when Bob preaches at Kyoto Lutheran church, also in the northwestern area of Kyoto. Kamagawa is a congregation of average attendance for Japan. Under the leadership of Takatsuka Sensei it is a growing congregation. On this Sunday Takatsuka Sensei and Bob literally shared the same pulpit as Bob preached in English and Takatsuka translated into Japanese. After worship Sunday school for the children of which there were a good number was held in the same area. Bob was invited to give a message to the children. As he often does when speaking to children in Japan Bob began by sharing about children in South Carolina and finished by sharing what they have that is alike; the love of God in Jesus Christ. He used an illustration that he likes; that of candy and the likeness and difference between candy and the love of God for children. A very nice lunch followed the other activities. During lunch Chris enjoyed talking with a young Economics professor who’s wonderful English made the conversation easy. She is soon leaving Japan and going to France where she will continue a study of the impact of fertility rates and labor laws on economic productivity. She has done research in Japan and will take a year to research the same information in France before finishing her work by comparing and contrasting

the results of her research in both countries. Bob enjoyed learning about Takatsuka Sense’s background and ministry including about fifteen years in the United States as an exchange pastor from the JELC to the ELCA serving in Huntington Beach California. He shared with Bob the commonalities and differences his ministry in both countries has made evident to him. Among the commonalities was the imperative for churches to aggressively reach out to youth and younger families. He was justifiably proud of the young families that are active at Kamagawa LC. There is a kindergarten next door to the church where he spends a good deal of time during the week. The kindergarten that is a ministry of the church is also growing. Many who attend the church began by having children attend the kindergarten. Bob and Takatsuka Sensei agreed that having a kindergarten and a growing church in Japan was directly related. He suggested to Bob that in his time in the United States he saw a similar link with churches and affiliated preschools. The commitment in the form of a school tells young families of the commitment of the church to them. All too soon the Sunday luncheon and fellowship were over. Bob & Chris were thankful for this Sabbath day and the joy it brought. They were also thankful for an invitation to come back on Thursday and speak to the children of the kindergarten.
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