Bob and Chris are now in Hokkaido the northern most island of Japan and in the city of Sapporo; host of the 1972 Winter Olympic Games. Hokkaido is the island of the Ainu; the native people who traded with Japanese and Russians and lived as an independent indigenous people until the Meji restoration that began in 1868. The island is today part of Japan; but remains distinctly different from the rest of the country. The land is open and

expansive. It reminds one of the Midwest of the United States. The main crops are dairy products; potatoes and lamb. Horse breeding is done here. The people are independent free spirits who enjoy the beauty of the land and the independence it brings. Hokkaido is also the name of this district for the Japan Evangelical Lutheran Church. This is the last stop on the exchange pastor program for Bob and Chris. In the Hokkaido District they will participate and serve in the ministry of the smallest district of the JELC consisting of eight chapels and four churches. Bob and

Chris arrived in Sapporo on March 9th. They were met at the airport by the President of the District and the only female president in the JELC, Okada sensei. They will live at the parsonage of Shinn Sapporo Lutheran Church while in Sapporo. On March 12th Bob and Chris participated in the program of the Mebae Kindergarten at Sapporo Lutheran Church. Sapporo Lutheran Church as well as the kindergarten that is part of it was started by the work of Finnish Missionaries in 1934. The year after the church was established the kindergarten began in 1935. It was built with funds raised by the children of the Finland Lutheran Church. Today the kindergarten has an enrollment of about 45 students. The facilities are immaculate and seem to work extremely well in the program for the c

hildren. Bob and Chris participated in the morning worship program on March 12th by teaching the children in both English and Japanese. They began with introdu

ctions and lessons about South Carolina. They then taught a lesson on body parts as the beginning of a fun rendition of the Hokey Pokey. Their lesson finished when Bob gave a children’s sermon about God and candy. Before and after the program Bob and Chris enjoyed just being with the children and the teachers and participating in other activities such as clay play and finger crocheting. Bob even participated in skipping robe with the children. Fortunately there are no pictures of this activity. This was not the only day for Bob and Chris to be at Mebae Kindergarten. They have been invited back for graduation on March 17th. They are looking forward to this proud day for the children moving on the grammar school.
Keep praying,

Zen Ben
Now wait a minute...a picture with finger crochet but not jump rope???? We want to see you do both when you get home!!!! What fun! :)
We miss you!
It is interesting to think of Japan having snow! I suppose they are far enough North latitude, but it just never occurred to me that there would be that much snow!
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