Bob and Chris were in both the Tokai and East Districts of the Japan Evangelical Lutheran Church on March 8. They day began early as they left the hotel in the morning to attend worship at Nagoya Megumi Lutheran Church. This was the last preaching assignment for Bob in the Tokai District. The service was preceded by Christian Education for young children in the nave. Bob was invited to greet the children and share St. Paul Lutheran Ch in Aiken South Carolina with them. He first showed them Nagoya, Tokyo, Atlanta, and finally Aiken on a map. Then he spoke about St. Paul, Aiken South Carolina and the families of the church he serves.

The 10:30 worship service was well attended with about fifty worshippers. There was representation from all age groups. After worship a luncheon followed in which Bob made another presentation and was invited to answer questions from those in attendance. It was a good time to share our common interests and challenges as Lutheran Christians. Soon however Pastor Bob, Chris and Pastor Tanaka (Pastor of Nagoya Megumi Lutheran Church and Tokai District President) had to head to the subway with luggage trailing behind them. Bob and Chris were towing carryon luggage, computer bags as well as bags for Bob’s

vestments and items either bought or received while in Tokai. They looked pretty funny stumbling down the steps of the subway and onto the platform. It was time to catch the subway and then the Shinkansen for Tokyo Station. After arrival in Tokyo Station, two other train transfers and a cab they arrived safely at Tokyo Lutheran Church. Tonight was the very special Service of Ordination in Tokyo for the four new pastors of the Japan Evangelical Lutheran Church (JELC). Bob was humbled and honored to have been asked to participate in the service. He joined the other participating pastors of the JELC in the laying on of hands.

He also was given the honor of helping one of the new pastors in the distribution of Holy Communion. As he was putting on vestments before worship he kept repeating in his head, “Christo no chi desu”, “The Blood of Christ”. He remembered how special it was the very first time he was asked to assist a Pastor with Holy Communion. That feeling of awe and humility does not change when one participates in serving Holy Communion to a sister or brother. During worship Pastor Bob also was struck that even though he did not understand the language of what was happening he experienced a very special feeling in some understanding of the meaning of what God was doing this night in the lives of three men and one woman as they became servant leaders to share the Gospel. After worship another grand celebration was held at Tokyo Lutheran Church. Those in attendance offered prayers congratulations and gifts to the new pastors. They will be heading out to their new Calls

the end of March. It was late in the evening when Pastor Asano and his wife accompanied Pastor Bob & Chris to their hotel in Shinjuku via one more cab. Thankfully some of the packages that Bob & Chris were trailing as they struggled on the subway back in Nagoya were taken by Pastor Asano to be placed at JELC headquarters for safe keeping. Tomorrow a plane heads north to Sapporo. Pastor Bob and Chris are scheduled to be on that plane as they begin the final ministry assignment in the Japan Evangelical Lutheran Church; the Hokkaido District and Sapporo.
Keep praying,

Zen Ben
Sounds like a sermon example to me! Luggage trailing behind every where you go...and what a relief when someone offers to help with it!
You are missed! Mom (Ann M.) says it's time for you to come home!!!!! She's doing fine, but she misses you very much!
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Rev. Robert Wright
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